My youngest toay, or rather tonight was telling me about the cat he chased a few months ago. before i get into that story, he has gotten into the habit lately of asking me if I remember things....random things. So before falling asleep I will get a slew of questions... "Mommy, member buzz ightyear?" "Mommy, member woody?" So tonight after a bunch of Mommy member questions he said "Mommy, member cat? I chase cat, cat scared, cat want go to sleep" I replied with yeah he didn't like being chased very much, he wanted to rest, to which he said, "I feed cat" "what did you feed him?" "A stick." It made me laugh because for some reason he seems to think a stick or a leaf or a rock basically anything he can find on the ground is suitable food for any animal he is chasing. Last weekend we were at a farm and there was a dog...who wanted nothing to do with him. And poor dog was being chased after and having sticks shoved in his face, with my son yelling "Dog eat dog eat!"
My youngest's favorite knock knock joke is this... "knock knock, who's there, cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo who? What?! I can't hear you bert i have a banana in my ear." He made it up, obviously.. but the last part was taken from one of his favorite sesame street clips with bert and ernie. being his mom i find it absolutely adorable and so so smart! :)
I am always trying to persuade and convince my boys that healthy foods are much better than junk food. I don't want them to have the same bad eating habits i have...i have HORRIBLE eating habits!! So my technique was to point out all the ways healthy foods are good for you..what vitamins they contain how they make you backfired because my clever oldest son now uses it against me...while eating an ice cream, or chips, or anything i have told them is bad for them.. he will say "this is really good for you, it has vitamin l and vitamin r and makes your muscles so strong." And being a preschooler he is so sure of himself and his understanding of the world and being my son he feels he is never wrong. And when he thinks I may be winning the argument he'll end it with well god told me that. god said this is good for you. how can i win?!
My youngest's favorite knock knock joke is this... "knock knock, who's there, cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo who? What?! I can't hear you bert i have a banana in my ear." He made it up, obviously.. but the last part was taken from one of his favorite sesame street clips with bert and ernie. being his mom i find it absolutely adorable and so so smart! :)
I am always trying to persuade and convince my boys that healthy foods are much better than junk food. I don't want them to have the same bad eating habits i have...i have HORRIBLE eating habits!! So my technique was to point out all the ways healthy foods are good for you..what vitamins they contain how they make you backfired because my clever oldest son now uses it against me...while eating an ice cream, or chips, or anything i have told them is bad for them.. he will say "this is really good for you, it has vitamin l and vitamin r and makes your muscles so strong." And being a preschooler he is so sure of himself and his understanding of the world and being my son he feels he is never wrong. And when he thinks I may be winning the argument he'll end it with well god told me that. god said this is good for you. how can i win?!
i love the knock knock joke. also, stop letting your son harass animals. also also, hamza's god comments make me laugh.
I know the knock knock joke made me crack up...soo much better than anisah's chair ones. :D
he isn't harassing them, he just wants to love them. reminds me of of mice and men.
hamza is very very clever.
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