Tuesday, July 9, 2013

If you really take the time to think about life, spend time flipping through old notes and pictures, you'll realize how sad life really is. Not just sad, but downright depressing.

Maybe I'm just in a sad mood, but I was just browsing my facebook posts from 9 years ago (which is this genereation's equivalent of looking through a scrapbook or photo album)..9 YEARS!!...and got really really sad. There were posts from people who I no longer speak to, not because I chose to but because life decided that persons time in my life was up. And it hurt my heart..because reading those posts I can barely even remember being with that person. Sharing with them and caring about them are memories so far gone, it's almost hard for me to believe that we ever were once that close.

I look at old pics and then the mirror and am shocked to actually see how much time has passed..to see the youth slowly but surely leaving me...slowly but surely becoming a full-fledged adult.

A few days ago I found out someone I knew got a divorce. For days now I have been feeling incredibly sad and depressed about it. Everyone gets divorced...why does it matter so much? I have no idea....but it left me heavyhearted.

And as I think about everything more and more it just becomes more clear how sad life is. How incredibly depressing our existence really is. We are born, and live only to die. Nothing matters...we are all going to die.

Just as friendships die, careers die, hopes, dreams, and ambitions die we will die. So why do I care so much?

Why does my heart ache over friendships that have slowly and suddenly withered away? Why do I despair over the divorce of people I barely know? Why do I worry about people who go out of their way to show me they don't care?

Why must I feel so much all the time? For once I'd like to feel nothing...no sadness, anxiety, moroseness, anger, hurt....just nothing. I'm tired of all these feelings rushing through me..these emotions leaving me paralyzed unable to move fully into the present and start heading towards the future.

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