Sunday, June 23, 2013

Every summer or really anytime I get together with my family I always have my expectations crushed. I always expect this wonderful gathering, my brothers and sons playing nicely together..but that never happens. Instead its filled with my brothers crying. My brothers are 11 and sons 4 and 2.

Its the most ridiculous thing ever! Like seriously ridiculous....and it drives me insane. and I have no idea why I'm so surprised every time it happens.

You would think an 11 and 12 year old would be able to play nicely with two preschoolers, be old enough to have the understanding towards them that older people have. But nope!

Instead they use them as scape goats...blame EVERYTHING on them..even things that were not their fault.


Sarah said...

to be fair, they blame everything on everyone. it's something i'm trying to work on, them holding themselves accountable for their actions. it doesn't go so great because daddy tends to do the same thing.

Someone Else said...

It's more than just blaming everyone, but yes they do it to everyone.