I've been back in Riyadh for what feels like weeks, when in reality it's only been a few days..2 days to be exact. *sigh* depression, resentment, anger, sadness, and all those other great emotions have come rushing back to me and its almost like the amazing week in Sri Lanka never happened. I don't feel refreshed and ready to conquer the world...I feel even more miserable. *sigh*
This isn't right...this is no way for people to live. Then I feel stupid because I am constantly being told what a great compound I live on, how awesome it is to have a golf course, bowling alley, etc., etc. but you know what?? all those people that keep telling me that can have all these great things. I will gladly trade places with them. Its like giving a hamster a running wheel and telling him now you can run!
Yes I have amazing amenities on the compound, and a lot of people would kill for that. But it doesn't make me any less trapped. It doesn't take away the fact that I can't leave. I am stuck on this compound seeing the same faces day in and day out, with no hope of leaving when I feel like it. If I do want to leave I have to schedule in a driver...schedules are hopeless with kids. Or I can wait for my husband who sometimes doesn't feel like leaving the house after coming home from work. So if I tell you how miserable I am do not judge me and tell me I have such amazing things available to me. I am entitled to my feelings and currently I am miserable...even with two swimming pools.
In other news, my sons have become obsessed with Dinosaur Train which is a really cool show that teaches them about dinosaaurs (duh!). Theres one dinosaur who's catch phrase is "I have a hypothesis", and now my two year old and four year old are walking around telling me they have a hypothesis...which i find absolutely adorable! Especially since they pronounce it correctly AND use it correctly.
In crazy mommyland news, my youngest has been especially busy. The day after we got back to Riyadh he decided the best place to use the potty would be his bedroom closet. He took off his underpants in the kitchen, walked upstairs and sqautted in his closet. And then we were wonderfully surprised with a disgusting puddle of diarrhea. Yes, diarrhea...THANK GOD we have tile floors! Can you imagine that mess on carpeting! I think I would have cried.
Second story, he handed me his brothers toy airplane, dripping water, and proudly told me he washed it. Then I, being distracted and slightly confused thanked him. Until I realized he has no idea how to turn on the water so I quickly asked him how he washed the plane; silently praying he didn't use the toilet. He very very excitedly and proudly yelled out: "fish tank!" And I thought greeeaaaaat!!! nasty fish water. but my dad helped put things in perspective, because when I was telling him the story his guess was that my son peed on the plane and honestly that would have been a lot worse than dipping it in the fish tank.
Our poor fish though have been through so much because of this little boy. Last night i found a ball of cotton floating around their tank. and a few months ago play dough and the play dough can.
This isn't right...this is no way for people to live. Then I feel stupid because I am constantly being told what a great compound I live on, how awesome it is to have a golf course, bowling alley, etc., etc. but you know what?? all those people that keep telling me that can have all these great things. I will gladly trade places with them. Its like giving a hamster a running wheel and telling him now you can run!
Yes I have amazing amenities on the compound, and a lot of people would kill for that. But it doesn't make me any less trapped. It doesn't take away the fact that I can't leave. I am stuck on this compound seeing the same faces day in and day out, with no hope of leaving when I feel like it. If I do want to leave I have to schedule in a driver...schedules are hopeless with kids. Or I can wait for my husband who sometimes doesn't feel like leaving the house after coming home from work. So if I tell you how miserable I am do not judge me and tell me I have such amazing things available to me. I am entitled to my feelings and currently I am miserable...even with two swimming pools.
In other news, my sons have become obsessed with Dinosaur Train which is a really cool show that teaches them about dinosaaurs (duh!). Theres one dinosaur who's catch phrase is "I have a hypothesis", and now my two year old and four year old are walking around telling me they have a hypothesis...which i find absolutely adorable! Especially since they pronounce it correctly AND use it correctly.
In crazy mommyland news, my youngest has been especially busy. The day after we got back to Riyadh he decided the best place to use the potty would be his bedroom closet. He took off his underpants in the kitchen, walked upstairs and sqautted in his closet. And then we were wonderfully surprised with a disgusting puddle of diarrhea. Yes, diarrhea...THANK GOD we have tile floors! Can you imagine that mess on carpeting! I think I would have cried.
Second story, he handed me his brothers toy airplane, dripping water, and proudly told me he washed it. Then I, being distracted and slightly confused thanked him. Until I realized he has no idea how to turn on the water so I quickly asked him how he washed the plane; silently praying he didn't use the toilet. He very very excitedly and proudly yelled out: "fish tank!" And I thought greeeaaaaat!!! nasty fish water. but my dad helped put things in perspective, because when I was telling him the story his guess was that my son peed on the plane and honestly that would have been a lot worse than dipping it in the fish tank.
Our poor fish though have been through so much because of this little boy. Last night i found a ball of cotton floating around their tank. and a few months ago play dough and the play dough can.
i think the difference with us is that i never leave my house here. like ever. so it probably wouldn't be much different there, except that all of the things that i might leave my house for but i cant do every day because hello money would be in my backyard and free. i'm sure my contentness with being stuck at home would wear off eventually, but at the moment, i don't see it happening.
this is in no way saying that you should be content cause you were always doing stuff here.
I never replied to this comment ...I'm guessing because I was probably in a shitty mood while writing this and didn't like your optimistic view.
I had a friend here who had the same thoughts as you. She didn't mind being home all day so she wouldn't care. She said it took her three weeks before she realized not minding that you're home and not being able to leave home are two completely different feelings and having the option to go out being taken completely away drove her crazy. She moved to Jordan now.
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