Friday, February 22, 2013

Cloud 9

I have two sons, my oldest got a lot closer to his dad when my youngest was born. So much so, that he'd request and prefer his dad to me. Lately though, he has been wanting me..which I'm not going to lie makes me sooooooo happy! :D Unfortunately though, the younger one needs me too...and I feel torn because since the older one is older its just natural for him to get the shorter end of the straw..that's the way it always is i think.

Tonight, while putting them to bed, the older one told his dad, "I want Mommy, to put me to sleep." and he started to cry. It broke my heart, so I got out of the younger one's bed, and climbed into bed with him. THe younger one will not let ANYONE else put him to bed, he was screaming so loud I had to have my husband take him out of the room.

My oldest was thrilled with the attention, and was soo happy to be cuddling with me. He kept talking with me, and I was telling him how much I love him, and how much everyone in our family loves him, and how much his little brother loves him. He interrupted me with, "I don't think he loves me. He always hits me and head butts me and screams...and stuff"

I told him no that's not true...he loves you very much. And I shared a story of my younger sister hitting me in the eyebrow with a matchbox car and making me bleed. I said no one can like someone all the time, it doesn't mean that we don't still love the person though. I told him that sometimes he doesn't like me or his dad...but we still love each other.

He smiled and told me , "Yeah..I get it. But you know? Baba isn't strong, he isn't strong enough to deal with sick boys, he can't deal with me when I'm sick. Only Mommy can deal with me when I'm sick." It made me heart melt. It had to be the sweetest moment of my life. The most amazing feeling ever to know that even though he chooses his dad over me the majority of the time...he still needs his mommy, and he always will. And it was so sweet and precious when he told me he got it...and I know he does. He is such a smart little boy...I mean how many almost 4 year olds do you know that can properly use the word apparently in a sentence???

ON a side is incredibly hard to make friends. I never realized how easy I had it in're kind of just forced into friendships. Some last some don't but if you're like'll find yourself a mommy of two with no adult friends you can really relate to and see a future with. I met someone here and we are nearly identical in personality. lol I move fast and want to say shes my best friend...but I know how insane that sounds...I mean we've only hung out a total of three times...but i think the saying about love can apply to friends too...sometimes you just know. hahaha

Today we had a couples date...with the boys. and it was NICE! it was really really nice! the boys were not terrible monsters and we all enjoyed each others company. But it got me thinking about friends and making them and I never ever went out of my way to make friends...ever. I kind of just ended up with friends....I am however going to make an effort to make friends more often because maybe those are the ones that last...the ones you actually try with...


Sarah said...

lol i bet that made your life. and omg i threw the car at your face over twenty years ago. get over it already :P.

also, couple's date? i thought the girl was really young. so like is she married with kids, too?

Someone Else said...

i did get over it but it was the perfect story to share with him...because omar never made him bleed :D so it was something so much worse...get it?

yup couples date.. they are newly weds....just got married in november. and she is not young...shes 5 years older than me. and she is AWESOME!